
Lavender Woods: a Haunted Halloween Enamel Pin Set

Created by Amber Stone

An Old-timey Pin Set inspired by classic Halloween decorations and pop culture.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Please check for Smoke Test Surveys!
10 months ago – Wed, Nov 29, 2023 at 04:21:40 PM

Hey, everyone. Just a quick reminder. Please check for Smoke Tests and answer as soon as you can. These help me determine if the surveys are charging correct amounts or having problems. Once some more come in, I can send them out to everyone. Thank you!

Stickers! Surveys are approved! Smoke Test sent to 5% of backers
10 months ago – Tue, Nov 28, 2023 at 04:20:52 PM

Hey, everyone! Surveys have been approved so the Smoke Test has been sent out to 5% of backers. 

If you are one of backers in the Smoke Test, please check out your survey as soon as you can and let me know if there are problems or hiccups so they can be fixed before wide release.

Once any problems are ironed out, I'll send out the Survey to all backers. 


Did I go absolutely ham on stickers? Yeah, I might have. 

All physical backers will recieve one FREE 3 inch Sticker! Additional stickers can be added for $3 each or, in the case of the Twins, you can choose them as a set for an extra $1. There's also an option to add ALL the stickers for $20 because, why not?

Black Cat
Pumpkin Bat
Werewolf Beast
Stumpy the Vampire Slayer
Candle Boi
Witch Ghost
Twins- Devil
Twins- Angel
D. Birb

I hope you all like the sticker choices!

Update! Funds are in. Quick question. Stickers?
10 months ago – Wed, Nov 15, 2023 at 02:33:59 PM

Hey, everyone! Funds are in so I'll be sending the survey out gorgeous approval by Backerkit today. Usually, the approval process takes a few days at which point I will update you to let you know Smoke Tests are going out.

Before that, though, a couple of things! 

The Black Cats did not unlock but I have decided to add them as an unlockable in the survey. 

Black Cat

 If we sell 25, the Black Cat will be produced. These will be priced by Tier so whatever you paid for your full-sized pins, that's how much the Black Cat will cost you.

Unfortunately, since they are not unlocked, they will not be available as an option on the dropdown menu and will have to be added separately.

Now, for some important questions.
 Normally, I unlock some stickers over the course of the campaign but this time there were just too many designs to choose from so I'm going to leave that up to you!

 Let me know your favorites from the options below or write in a favorite 

Stickers, maybe.

Thank you all for your support and patience! The hardest part is coming up but files are already prepped so I'm hoping for a pretty quick turnaround on these once surveys are in. 

We did it! What happens now?
11 months ago – Wed, Nov 01, 2023 at 12:59:52 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Last Day! Please share! Black Cat behind the scenes.
11 months ago – Mon, Oct 30, 2023 at 03:16:54 PM

Hey, everyone! We're on the last day of the campaign and we're getting closer and closer to our Black Cat. It's only $450!

To help us get there, please share the campaign, if you can.

Black Cat!

The black cat came together pretty quickly, though it did start out with a hat.

I knew I wanted to model it after a decoration I had when I was a kid.

Beistel black cat, 80s

First I sketch put a design.

The first color blocking

Then I ink it and add color to try and get a feel for what I'm going for.  This one came together pretty quickly but it was still messier amd creepier than I wanted so I took another pass.

The first almost final Cat.

I loved this one and, because of the hat, this was briefly called Cat Hat (while another Critter was called "All Hat").

A brief color variation.
Hat removal

Our final "Vintage" Black Cat.

Brief Lavender phase. :x
Still like this poisonous monster.
Our final "Ochre" Variant
How many files do you need, bro?

I hope you all enjoy seeing the behind the scenes for these guys. ^^

If you want to see even more, and even help decide designs and colors before new campaigns, consider following me on instagram. Feedback helps me determine what designs get made and which ones get cut, what colors get made and how campaigns are structured, like which pins unlock first.

Thank you all for your support on this campaign! We still have hours left to go so thank you for making it fun!